Book a Reading

Herot Tarot uses tarot cards and other archetypical frameworks to connect clients with their own intuition and that of the reader. Herot Tarot readings present the client with tarot-based archetypes and prompts to reflect on their own experiences through an intuitive, pragmatic lens. As always, clients may apply session content as they so choose. Please see Terms & Conditions when booking to understand the legal context of tarot reading in New York.

Remote Readings


Complex readings begin with a meditation and breath work, and discuss the narrative suggested by a complete tarot spread. You may bring several connected questions to consider through the lens of the narrative. A complex reading lasts up to 90 minutes.


In a standard reading, you will begin with a meditation or breath work and discuss the narrative suggested by a tarot spread. You should bring an in-depth question to consider through the lens of the narrative. A standard reading lasts up to 60 minutes.


A first-time reading begins with breath work and visualization, and focuses on three cards. You can bring a specific question to consider, but it’s not essential. A first-time reading lasts 30 minutes and is imtended for you to assess whether Kit’s approach is a good fit for your needs.


Brief readings are available to returning clients. You will begin with breath work and discuss the narrative suggested by several cards. Please bring a question to consider through the lens of the narrative. A brief reading lasts up to 30 minutes.


Mini readings are available to returning clients who have booked a standard reading within the last 60 days. You will begin with a small breathing exercise and discuss a card or two in response to a specific question. A brief reading lasts up to 15 minutes. You’ll receive a link after your standard reading allowing you to book mini readings.

In-Person: Group Readings

Contact Kit for questions about in-person readings. At this time, in-person readings are typically only done for groups. At parties, retreats, offsites, meetings, etc., readings generally require a separate quiet area from the rest of the group.